Helping to Justify Academic Library Budgets Since 2004

As Patron-Use Kiosks

Copiers Are Outdated

Get Something Far More Valuable with Your Patron-Use Copier Budget...

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KIC is Many Times more Valuable than the Copiers it Replaces

With KIC Study System, KIC POD for Patrons, KIC Composer and Large Screens

KIC is lightyears ahead of copiers

When you replace outdated copiers with KIC, you get two far greater values at no extra cost. The relative value of KIC POD for Patrons and KIC Study System is colossal in comparison.

Copier replacement is perhaps 1/10th as valuable as KIC POD for Patrons and less than 1/100th as valuable as KIC Study System (KSS) for your Student Patrons.

In addition, while KIC’s current copier replacement user interface is preferred by most patrons, DLSG will redefine simplicity with an all new copier interface to be released in August of this year (2018).

KIC Study System and KIC POD for Patrons are but 2 out of 10 compelling reasons to replace your copiers with modern digitization technology from DLSG.

10 Compelling Reasons
KIC Serves Patrons Vastly Better than Copiers
KIC Study System
KIC POD for Patrons
KIC with MyDocs.Archive
KIC Composer
Free Color Images
KIC ADA features
KIC Face-up Scanning & Loose Paper Scanner
Huge Touch/Preview Screen
KIC is Green
MyDocs Free Distribution

10 Compelling Reasons to
Replace Copiers & MFCs with KIC

KIC Study System is many times more valuable to your student patrons than copiers because it cuts study time in half while increasing retention – it’s revolutionary for education in America
KIC POD for Patrons is many times more valuable to your non-student patrons than copiers. It provides patrons with a means of turning print photos and other printed family memorabilia into color glossy hardbound books that make wonderful gifts of sweet family memories. The news of KIC POD for Patrons will spread like wildfire through your library community.
KIC with MyDocs.Archive is also many times more valuable to your patrons than copiers. Businesses, governments and institutions have all gone digital, but most families can’t afford a good digitization and archival system.
KIC Composer is another digital age capability that no copier has. To be easy to use even for technically timid patrons, it requires a large touch screen, and all KICs come with huge 24-inch touch screens.
Free Color Images & Cheaper Color Copies. While possible with KIC, libraries rarely charge for images. And KIC’s color counting feature lets libraries set the fee to match the cost, dramatically lowering the cost to print pages that have only a little color content, while charging more for pages that require a lot of color ink.
KIC ADA features support your patrons with disabilities and are generally not available with copiers. These features include audio output of text, wheelchair accessibility, huge buttons and huge display screens, and button function audio mode.
KIC has Face-up Scanning and a Separate Loose Paper Scanner (ADF). Face up scanning makes it easier for patrons to see what they are doing, and having a separate ADF scanner means that if there is a paper jam, face up scanning still works. If the $999 ADF scanner fails, it can be easily be swapped out and serviced while the KIC system remains fully operational.
Huge Touch/Preview Screens - about 70% of patrons prefer digital output but never use copiers (or MFCs) for digital output. One big reason is that copiers don’t clearly show all pages that have been scanned or allow for easy review before outputting to USB, email, the cloud, etc. It is a big problem to return home from the library only to find that you are missing a page.
KIC is green and has far less down-time than a copier/MFC. KIC promotes digital output, dramatically reducing paper and ink use, which is good for the environment and cuts paper jams and equipment down-time.
MyDocs free distribution to patrons via KIC. Both MyDocs.Archive and KIC Study System are features of MyDocs. However, MyDocs by itself is a wonderful personal document and picture management system that utilizes a revolutionary system for finding items by simply swiping one or two tag lists a few times.

Copiers are seldom used to Digitize

Yet Students Prefer Digital ten to one!

Copiers are seldom used to Digitize

Yet Patrons Prefer Digital two to one!

Patrons overwhelmingly opt for Digital output. When KIC scanning kiosks are installed in public libraries, about 70% of photocopier users switch to KIC and digital output. The re-maining 30% or so can be served by connecting KIC to a print server or adding a printer to the KIC system. And for patrons that like to use an automatic document feeder (ADF), KIC has a $999 copier replacement option that includes a very nice sheet scanner and support for a local printer and copy card and coin op systems as well as KIC Coins, the free fee collection system that requires no external machinery for collecting fees.

Even without the copier replacement option or local printing, KIC eliminates the need for copiers for 70% of patrons. You would be hard-pressed to find a library with KIC systems whose director doesn’t feel strongly that KIC is a great improvement over photo copiers.


Adding KICs to Library Floors
Increases Digital Output from 1% to 70%, Dramatically
Reducing Wasteful & Expensive Paper Output.

copier rep guy

Your copier rep is a nice guy, but ...

Copier companies can’t afford to serve the needs of library patrons well - copier kiosks for libraries represent a small fraction of 1% of their sales. It’s no surprise that copiers are almost never used by patrons for scanning.

If copier companies are still trying to convince you that their multi-function copiers (MFCs) meet the needs of your patrons, it’s time to stop believing them. Perhaps you can assuage their fears that KIC will take over their administrative services world by telling them that KIC is for the library floor and is not intended to replace copi-ers anywhere else, and introduce them to KIC’s new and very non-copier patron services: KIC Study System and KIC POD for Patrons.

People Love Color

All KICs Support Color and B&W

When the first color copiers came out in 1968, they were extremely expensive. To this day, copier companies want to make a lot of money on color. Color output from a common computer printer can be much cheaper.

Color Images are Free

In the digital world, there is no paper, toner or ink, so libraries rarely
charge for images, whether black and white or color.


Color Copies for Less

Over the years, many libraries experimented with color copiers, but could never find a formula that worked. If the fees were low, patrons would copy materials with so much color that the library would spend more on ink than the fees they were collecting. If the fees were too high, the usage would be so low that the cost of the machine couldn’t be justified.

KIC calculates the amount of color in an image before it is printed. So the fee for copies with a little bit of color can be the same as the fee for black and white copies. If a copy has a lot of color, the fee can be increased in proportion to the cost of the color ink or toner. This wonderful feature should be a simple, easy byproduct of the digital age, and it is with KIC.

An image containing very little color should not cost the same as one with lots of colorVery Little ColorAll ColorVS
Avoid the poor results that photocopiers & microfilming too often produce.

Virtually any inkjet, bubble jet or laser printer can be added for printed output right at the KIC system. When KIC systems are added to a library that continues to provide copiers for student and faculty use, paper copy output typically drops by about 70%. Because printed output drops so much, high production printed output devices are seldom neces-sary. Library staff can start with a $300 color printer and if it is heavily used, switch to a larger printer. Experimenting is not expensive. As a result, maintenance costs are lower and students can, at the library’s choosing, enjoy free scanning and low-cost color printing!

KIC Has Three Copier Replacement Features

Feature 1 Two Types of Printer Connections

KIC printer connectivity is free. KIC supports both network and local printers.

Shared Printer (Network Connection)

If KIC is connected to a shared network printer, fee collection is performed by the shared printer soft-ware (e.g. Papercut, Pharos, Envisionware).

Shared Printer Fees collected by Pa-percut, Pharos, Envisionware, etc.
Local Printer (Direct Connection)

If KIC is connected directly to a printer, the institution need only purchase a printer, and virtually any common MS-Windows compatible printer will work. Lower cost printers typically have higher cost ink, while higher cost printers have lower cost ink, higher speed and greater durability. The library can ex-periment without spending much. It can choose a small, low cost printer at first, and if usage is too high for the printer, purchase a larger printer with lower ink costs.

Feature 2 ADF Scanner Option
$999 Copier Replacement Option

Automatic Document Feeders for Looseleaf Papers

Add KIC’s Copier Replacement Option to any KIC configuration and free up those budget funds for digital age hybrid library technologies. With a KIC self-serve book scanning kiosk, most moving parts and all paper handling parts are isolated inside this small, easy to service option. DLSG chose not to manufacture an ADF scanner and chose instead to select the best-of-breed ADF scanner. It’s image quality and paper handling abilities are both very high for such a low-cost device.

If KIC is connected directly to a printer, the institution need only purchase a printer, and virtually any common MS-Windows compatible printer will work. Lower cost printers typically have higher cost ink, while higher cost printers have lower cost ink, higher speed and greater durability. The library can ex-periment without spending much. It can choose a small, low cost printer at first, and if usage is too high for the printer, purchase a larger printer with lower ink costs.

Feature 3 Fee Collection Options

KIC is Compatible with Copy Card & Cash Systems

Credit Card Cash KIC Coins
  • ITC Systems 1010 NetLink
  • ITC Systems 7010 NetLink
  • Access Control Devices EX2000
  • Blackboard CR1120
  • Blackboard CR1122
  • Blackboard CR3000
  • CBord C2005
  • Diebold C2005
  • Comprise Smart Kiosk
  • Copicard CX125
  • PaperCut’s Print Manager
  • Danyl Systems Copy Terminal
  • Debitek DCT Family of Readers
  • General Meters DCT-2
  • Jamex 7110
  • Pharos PS100
  • Pharos Omega Series Terminals
  • Vendapin 5500
  • Vendapin 5596
  • Virtual Cash Vending Terminals
  • Envisionware’s Print Manager

Two Large Screens for Simplicity & Power

Ease-of-use is a central feature of KIC. Its large, 24 inch touch screen with generously proportioned buttons occupying a very large portion of the touch screen are inviting even to the technically timid user.

The user is walked through each process without being overwhelmed because options appear only at the moment they are needed. If a flash drive is inserted, KIC detects this and the output options change to indicate that it will save to the flash drive. More sophisticated users can over-ride defaults by manual selection.


Display screens are our portals into the digital world, and touch screens are the easiest way to control that world. That’s why DLSG provides large, 24 inch, full HD displays and equally large touch screens with most of its KIC systems.

It’s easy to undervalue screen size. For 20 years, all cellphone makers relentlessly pursued smaller and smaller screens until very recently when one company reversed that trend. They finally real-ized that people want the largest screen that will fit in their pocket/purse and hand. This is because display screens are our window to the digital world, and touch screens give us control over that world.

As big as self-serve scanning systems are, it makes sense to have a very large touch screen. And with such low prices these days for high quality displays, it is compelling to add a separate display screen so that the touch screen can be even easier to use. In 2002, DLSG realized this, when the first KIC system was designed. To-day, with nearly 10 years more experience than any other vendor, DLSG has the most understandable, easy to use and powerful user interface for self-serve book scanning, and employs dual screens.

The view screen shows very large, clear images of what has been scanned, allowing the touch screen to have big, easy to understand buttons and other controls.


Dual Screen Touch & View

KIC User Interface is Forgiving for Beginners

  • KIC is very agile, and allows the user to jump from just about anywhere in the touch screen system to just about anywhere else, directly and usually with a single touch. This modern, ‘modeless’ design is easier to use, but difficult to create.
  • KIC’s large buttons and controls are easy to use, even for people with unsteady hands.
  • KIC gradually expands and contracts controls such as brightness, con-trast and DPI so users can easily follow their screen activity.
  • KIC doesn’t delete original images when you clip a photo or excerpt of text unless you tell it to.
  • Output to many different destinations in a single session.
  • Once you’ve scanned a document, you can change your mind as to where you would like it to output. For example, you may have wanted to save to USB, but learned your USB drive is full. Or you may scan so much that it exceeds your email limit. Or after scanning and collat-ing a mass of research, you decide that you want to share the research with others.

Single Screen Versions of All Models Available

copiers-vs-kic KIC Bookeye Tabletop Model

Tabletop KIC models have all the capabilities of the floor-standing models. They also have their own tabletop version of the optional Dock for wireless transfer of images, and ADF (auto-document feeder) scanner for scanning looseleaf paper, which can be placed anywhere on the table. ADA compliance is achieved by purchasing a table with a 30 inch clearance to the floor and a 31 inch height. KIC tabletop models also offer optional desktop configurations: one with a large touch screen and separate view screen, and the other with a single 24” touch/preview display.

Floor-standing KIC models offer the full KIC self-serve digitization functionality in an elegant, contemporary design with efficient use of space and a compact footprint. KIC 24” touch screen, large preview screen, and scan bed are at the perfect height for wheelchair access.

An Essential Research Tool for Students & Everyone

KIC Makes Your Print Collections Searchable

Search hundreds of pages of PDF or text files that are created in just minutes using KIC

Users need only locate the volume(s) that they expect to contain the information they are seeking, scan selected sections and output either a searchable PDF file or a text file. These files can easily be searched for a long list of keywords of interest.

Keyword searching is becoming an indispensable capability that significantly improves the quality and efficiency of researching print collections.

  • Access more sources DIGITALLY
  • Search digitally & find information faster
  • Share and deliver results in digital form
  • Get your research in digital form
copiers-vs-kic KIC is so fast that it can be used to search digitally instead of searching for information manually. Scan selected excerpts from multiple sources in just minutes. Output text or searchable PDF directly to a tablet, e-reader, PC, smart phone, Cloud storage, USB, or email. Search all scanned pages in an instant for various key words and... on your way.

Scanning Books and Other Bound Materials

KIC Face-up Scanners Scan
Books 3x-6x Faster than Copiers

Replacing a Copier/MFC with a KIC can save Hundreds of
Hours of Student & Machine Time Per Year


Statistics from five million scanning sessions across America revealed a median session length of 23 pages. So, most of the time spent during a KIC session is spent scanning. Face up scanning has been proven to be three times faster than face down scanning.

Why is speed important?

  • It gives patrons another reason to visit your library
  • It’s green. The faster it is, the more use it will get and the less the copier will be used.

No More Book Spine Damage!

Thick books with stiff spines and content that runs deep into the bookfold are often damaged when copied. KIC scanning systems easily capture content without damaging book spines.

KIC automatically removes black edg-es, straightens content, and produces clean, professional looking images.

These automatic image treatment functions also save a lot of user time.


Thick Books?...No Problem

KIC Bookeye handles thick books beautifully. Its contour-finding laser allows it to flatten even the most curved books and produce text that is clear and undistorted. KIC automatically adds margins for print-ready image quality.

Your Choice: Scan Face-Down or Face-Up Faster is also Easier

Face-up book scanning is far easier on both patrons and books and quite a bit faster than face-down scanning.

Scanning books face-up makes it much easier to keep track of what pages you’ve scanned. With face-up scan-ners, books stay face up, so you can see what you’re scanning as you scan it. This extra visibility eliminates the age old problem of skipping pages and scanning pag-es out of order which can occur with face-down scanners.

The following photo sequences show the reason that face-down scanning systems are typically 1/3 the speed of face-up systems. The book flipping necessary to scan a book face-down on a commercial copier scanner is shown in the photo sequence below. It’s a workout both for the book and the user.

The ergonomic design of the face-up scanning sytems involves only the basic movement required to set a book down and turn a page.

Face-Down Capture [a seven-step procedure]
Face-Up Capture [a two-step procedure]

The sequence above shows just how much work is required to use a face-down scanner to scan multiple pages.

In contrast, the sequence on the left shows the relative speed and ease of face-up scanning systems that do not require the user to flip over the book being scanned. Once placing the book, the user simply turns pages and presses the scan button (or foot pedal) to scan two pages at a time.

5 Extraordinary New Inventions
for Public Libraries ...

5 Extraordinary New Inventions
for Academic Libraries ...

  • 1
    KIC Study System
    for your After School Student Patrons
    Cuts Study Time in half, with Better Retention
  • 2
    HotLinks 2D full-text SearchMATCH Discovery
    Scan Family Photos, etc. and Compose Beautiful Digital Scrap Books; Order Hardbound Books
    A discovery system built for study and research
  • 3
    Personal Digital Mind Palace
    Digital Library Operating System with Simplified Access to the Web, SAW Commons and Huge Screens for MyDocs and KSS Users
    Organizes study and research like no other system
  • 4
    ©-Law Section 109(c) Compliant Digital Fence
    Give your patrons digital access to selected print collections content while in the library
  • 5
    ILL for Books and Monographs
    Chapter-level discovery and lending of book excerpts