KIC Bookeye is an indispensable tool for research, study and production of enhanced quality reports and papers with crystal clear color and black & white excerpts from books, magazines and very large journals. In addition, as a UDSA compliant digitize-on-demand system conveniently located among the stacks, KIC can be used as an ad hoc digitization station by Interlibrary Loan departments.
With its 600 dpi option, KIC Bookeye systems are perfect as shared resources, capturing the finest details for digital archival and preservation.
The KIC Bookeye can capture 20 book pages per minute for instant access on tablets, notebooks, smart devices and easy transfer to desktop PCs and servers. With a bed size more than 40% larger than its nearest competitor, Bookeye is also the only high resolution scanner in the world that supports both v-cradle and flat modes, and can scan material as large as 24 x 17 inches.
Photocopiers, fax machines, PCs, monitors and keyboards clutter up otherwise beautiful libraries across America. KIC Bookeye reverses that trend, replacing copiers and fax machines and adding scanning in a single machine with clean lines and efficient design.
In the U.S. alone, DLSG book scanners are on 800 college and university campuses, including most of the top 100 and nearly all large campuses. With the introduction of the KIC Click Mini, KIC BookEdge and KIC for Sprout Pro by HP, KIC is now affordable for virtually all institutions of higher learning and full-service public libraries. Last decade, libraries typically 'added' several KIC book scanning kiosks for patron, student, faculty and researcher use, but since 2010 libraries have begun to replace their entire patron-use copier fleets with self-serve book scanning systems.
-- Ramie Miller, Millersville University
-- Jeff Bernhard, Assistant Director for ITS Client Services & Support
-- Benjamin J. Chapman, Emory Law IT
-- M. Alicea-Sáez, Bentley University
-- Angie Class, Librarian, Sacramento Public Library
-- Melveta Walker, Director, Golden Library, Easter New Mexico University
-- Victor Cenac-Methedinti, Archives Specialists, Fuller Theological Seminary
-- Jessica Drewitz, Head of Public Services, Pepperdine University School of Law
Students at academic libraries want speed, and DLSG offers the fastest book scanners on the market. Patrons at public libraries need simplicity, and KIC provides three of the simplest possible user interfaces, one exclusively for scanning, one exclusively for copying and one exclusively for faxing. And KIC's best-of-breed power user interface is only a touch away.
While multifunction copiers are partly digital, they are big mechanical machines with big maintenance issues and tiny touch screens. As a copier replacement, KIC eliminates copier failure/service problems and provides very large touch screens and view screens that are larger still. Organizing (collating, clipping, rotating, etc.) pages on a huge touch screen is much easier than shuffling paper.
The digital age has steadily driven down the demand in libraries for paper copies to levels that make it increasingly difficult to justify copiers. KIC self-service scanning systems reduce copier use further — to the point that attaching a small laser or ink jet printer is sufficient. Scan Copy Fax KIC systems also handle much larger materials than copiers, and they scan books without damaging them. However, the most compelling benefit of KIC over copiers is KIC's speed, due mainly to its face-up scanning design, which is not only significantly faster, but far easier to use.
KIC's huge touch screen and larger view screen make faxing extra easy. Users can compose, review, clip, crop and change brightness and contrast of the pages of a fax before sending. KIC's step-by-step process is designed for easy operation by even the most timid users. All you need is an internet connection, and DLSG will provide the rest at a cost so low that fax revenue can pay for the KIC system in a few years or less.
Users need only locate the volume(s) that they expect to contain the information they are seeking, scan selected sections and output either a searchable PDF file or a text file. These files can easily be searched for various keywords.
Keyword searching is becoming an indispensable capability that significantly improves the quality and efficiency of researching print collections.
Scan selected excerpts from multiply sources in just minutes
Output text or searchable PDF directly to a tablet, e-reader, PC or smart phone.
Search all scanned pages in an instant for various key words and...
Place books face-up on KIC Bookeye's large bed & capture two pages at a time - much faster than flatbed scanners and copiers.
Use whole pages or clip selected pictures, graphs, test, etc. using KIC's large touch screen.
Save scanned images to USB flash drive or cloud storage, send them via email address or
transfer images directly to a tablet, notebook PC, or smart phone.
Enhance reports in a word processing program. Drag desired images from a flash drive, Cloud storage or email directly into a word processing program, or save images to your computer desktop and use the 'insert picture' function.
Once images are imported into a word processing program, you may want to resize or reposition them or select from several ways that your text can wrap around the pictures.
Library patrons bring loose paper from home to scan, fax and send via email or save to a USB device. A $5 USB thumb drive can store thousands of important documents.
Quickly scan many pages to take with you and study at your convenience in the comfort of your home where you can read, search, markup, and print at your leisure
With KIC in your library, instructors are no longer restricted to a single text book. They can freely assign many excerpts from many books without adding to the students' already high cost of text books.
Offer your students and faculty KIC and its powerful, digital age features that from a superhighway between your highly valuable print collections and the digital word. Composer by KIC is one of many powerful features that are free with any KIC station under active maintenance.
Once pages are scanned, KIC automatically select photos, charts, and paragraphs. Users can simply touch and drag to select an area, or just touch a photo, chart or paragraph and drag it to the digital clipboard.
Move clips individually from the clipboard to existing pages, or start a new blank page. Then design your layout by arranging, rescaling, rotating clips, and/or adding annotations, frames, and clipart.
Shrink, enlarge, and rotate clip to create any layout. Undo changes, remove clips, until your creation is complete. It's digital desktop publishing, easy as 1-2-3, at your fingertips.
Use KIC's huge touch screen to easily arrange, rescale, rotate clips, and/or add annotations, frames, and clipart.
Then save your results in a variety of file formats and send to USB, email, smart device, or cloud.
Use KIC to scan books and other materials with highlighted text, then click on KIC AutoNOTE to automatically select all highlighted text. See the highlighted text in a format that fits nicely on a smart phone screen. Read and review the highlights without having to zoom in.
It's like having a study partner on the go!
Students and faculty can use KIC’s audio-output feature to create MP3 files so that they can listen to their highlighted text and read along if they like. Many students find it very helpful to simultaneously read and listen to study materials to optimize retention.
With KIC's new Print On Demand functionality, patrons can quickly and easily order printed books of photo albums, scrapbooks, photos, recipe cards, book excerpts, loose papers, newspaper & magazine articles, and more.
Clip, crop, rearrange pages and then choose the kind of book, pages and quantity desired. Order your original book(s) using KIC's simple "shop-online" interface to find the best value and pay with your credit card. Your books will be printed, packaged and shipped to you within days!
“I selected excerpts from eight books and created the text book I use for my Civil War class.”
KIC Bookeye self-serve book scanning kiosks include face-up scanners that save a lot of time and reduce book spine damage because they capture two face-up pages of a book with each scan and do not require the user to flip the book twice for each page. KIC analyzes each image, and automatically splits it into two separate images. In addition, black edges are automatically removed and the content is straightened, producing clean, professional looking images - important for electronic reserves, course curriculum materials and research reports. These automatic image treatment functions also save a lot of faculty, administrator, and student time.
The capture area of copiers is about half that of KIC Bookeye while the capture area of typical consumer scanners is smaller still. With a 18 X 24 inch capture area, Bookeye captures it all!
– – – Competing face-up book scanner A 14x18.9"
⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ Competing face-up book scanner B 14x20.5"
With the view screen on the side,the Bookeye neck provides an ideal bookstop for scanning very large reference books. KIC True 2 Touch provides full rotation capabilities so that you can scan in the orientation that suits you best.
To capture moving objects, digital cameras must use array CCDs, which capture all parts of the object at the same instant. That's why affordable digital cameras have fewer than 50 megapixels. And those pixels must be further divided into red, green and blue sub-pixels.
Since books don't move while being scanned, the Bookeye is able to utilize linear CCD technology to produce ultra-clear images with astounding 140 megapixels. Each pixel in a linear CCD includes full red, green and blue sub-pixels. However, high resolution scanning is meaningless if the lens system does not produce highly focused images.
Since ultra-high resolution "spy satellite" lenses are quite expensive, the Bookeye scans from left to right, allowing it to follow the curve of an open book and maintain excellent focus, whether in V-mode or flat mode.
The Bookeye's left-to-right scanning allows it to follow the contours of virtually any book, producing better 600 dpi images than other book scanners that claim to produce 600 dpi images.
Use the optional KIC Dock to transfer 10-20 full-color pages per second to any smart device without using any of your institution's precious WiFi bandwidth.
Files automatically appear on the devices as they are scanned.
Ease-of-use is a central feature of KIC. Its large, 22 inch touch screen and its large "Scan" and "Save, Send or Print" buttons that occupy a very large portion of the touch screen clearly convey how easy KIC is to use. The Save button defaults to an output method and file format that is selectable by the institution. If a flash drive is inserted, KIC detects this and the output button changes to indicate that it will save to the flash drive. Users can override the default output method by manually selecting one or more other methods of output.
KIC Bookeye's high speed is derived as much from its ultra-simple, true 2 touch interface as from its face-up design that obviates the need to flip books over and over again during the capture process.
The tabletop model KIC Bookeye has all the True 2 Touch capabilities of the full-size KIC. It has its own tabletop version of the Dock, and of course, an ADF scanner can be placed anywhere on the table. ADA compliance is achieved by purchasing a table with a 30 inch clearance to the floor and a 31 inch height.
KIC Bookeye's elegant design puts the full KIC self-serve digitization functionality into a compact and appealing space. Its 17" touch screen and large preview screen and capture surface are at the perfect height for wheelchair access. The KIC Bookeye also offers an optional desktop configuration with a single 22" touch/preview display
KIC is very agile, and allows the user to jump from just about anywhere in the touch screen system to just about anywhere else, directly and usually with a single touch. This modern, 'modeless' design is easier to use, but difficult to create.
KIC's large buttons and controls are easy to use, even for people with unsteady hands.
KIC gradually expands and contracts controls such as brightness, con- trast and DPI so users can easily follow their screen activity
KIC doesn't delete original images when you clip a photo or excerpt of text unless you tell it to.
KIC lets you output to many different destinations in a single session.
Once you've scanned a document, you can change your mind as to where you would like it to output. For example, you may have wanted to save to USB, but learned your USB drive is full. Or you may scan so much that it exceeds your email limit. Or after scanning and collating a mass of research, you decide that you want to share the research with others.
It’s easy to undervalue screen size. For 20 years, all cellphone makers relentlessly pursued smaller and smaller screens until very recently when one company reversed that trend. They realized that people want the largest screen that will fit in their pocket/purse and hand. This is because display screens are our window to the digital world, and touch screens give us control over that world.
As big as self-serve scanning systems are, it makes sense to have a very large touch screen. And with the low prices for high quality displays, it is compelling to add a separate display screen. In 2002, DLSG realized this, when the first KIC system was designed. Today, with nearly 10 years more experience than any other vendor, DLSG has the most understandable, easy to use and powerful user interface for self-serve book scanning, and it’s based on dual screens.
The view screen shows very large, clear images of what you’ve scanned, allowing the touch screen to have big, easy to understand buttons and other controls.
Since the first KIC was delivered to an academic library in 2004, the days of photocopiers for patron use in academic libraries and even public libraries were numbered. And now with the rapid explosion of tablet computers and electronic readers, the demand in academic libraries for electronic copies has substantially outstripped the demand for printed copies. The demand for electronic copies in public libraries is also reaching a tipping point.
The ability to capture virtually unlimited numbers of pages of research into a tablet or electronic reader and search through that material on the Internet with a tablet, eReader or notebook PC that can be used just about anywhere is highly convenient and immensely valuable. In this digital age, academic libraries are compelled to go hybrid for three reasons: 1) the high demand for digital content; 2) their existing print collections contain vast amounts of information that cannot be found on the Internet; and 3) students are receptive to the price of electronic copies - typically free.
So how do the costs of KIC systems compare with those of photocopiers? There are three main factors that keep the cost of photocopies high: 1) each copy requires paper, toner and ink; 2) photocopiers require a lot of maintenance due to the number of moving parts; and 3) all major photocopier brands use a distributed service model.
In contrast, these costs are lower for KIC because KIC has split the scan/copy functions into three separate machines, choosing the best of breed for each. As a result, KIC offers the best book scanners by themselves or with a loose-leaf paper (ADF) scanner. Virtually any off-the-shelf laser or inkjet printer can be added to any KIC system, so you can optimize costs and speeds, and offer affordable color.
This graph compares the total costs of one color KIC Bookeye system with three color copiers and with three black and white copiers. Both copiers are the kinds typically seen in academic libraries. One KIC Bookeye is compared with three copiers because its face-up operation yields well over two times the performance of a typical copier. The costs are broken into three main areas: equipment and maintenance, consumables, and patron usage time. With KIC, electronic output is assumed to be preferred over print 90% of the time. That ratio has ranged from 75-95% electronic in 2012, but is certain to rise in the future.
Thick books with stiff spines and content that runs deep into the bookfold are often damaged when copied. KIC Bookeye easily captures content without damaging book spines.
Thick books with stiff spines and content that runs deep into the bookfold are often damaged when copied. KIC Bookeye easily captures bookfold content with high clarity, but all KIC face-up scanners avoid damaging book spines.
KIC automatically removes black edges, straightens content, and produces clean, professional looking images – important for electronic reserves, course curriculum materials and research reports. These automatic image treatment functions also save a lot of administrator, faculty, and student time.
KIC Bookeye handles thick books beautifully. Its contour-finding laser allows it to flatten even the most curved books and produce text that is clear and undistorted. KIC automatically adds margins for print-ready image quality.
Statistics from five millionStatistics from many millions of scanning sessions across America revealed a median session length of 23 pages. So, most of the time spent during a KIC session is spent scanning. Face up scanning has been proven to be three times faster than face down scanning. So why is speed so importantHere are three reasons speed is so important:
In the digital world, there is no paper, toner or ink, so libraries rarely charge for images, whether black and white or color.
Over the years, many libraries experimented with color copiers, but could never find a formula that worked. If the fees were low, patrons would copy materials with so much color that the library would spend more on ink than the fees they were collecting. If the fees were too high, the usage would be so low that the cost of the machine couldn't be justified.
KIC calculates the amount of color in an image before it is printed. So the fee for copies with a little bit of color can be the same as the fee for black and white copies. If a copy has a lot of color, the fee can be increased in proportion to the cost of the color ink or toner. This wonderful feature should be a simple, easy byproduct of the digital age, and it is with KIC.
Unlike Born Digital material which must be purchased on a subscription basis, converting print to digital with KIC can be done on an unlimited basis.
KIC self-serve book scanning kiosks convert your huge investment in printed monographs and serials into digitize-on-demand collections at a cost that is an insignificant percentage of the value.
Face-up book scanning is far easier on both patrons and books and quite a bit faster than face-down scanning.
Scanning books face-up makes it much easier to keep track of what pages you've scanned. With KIC Click, Click Mini and other face-up scanners, books stay face up, so you can see what you're scanning as you scan it. This extra visibility eliminates the age old problem of skipping pages and scanning pages out of order which can occur with face-down scanners.
The following photo sequences show the reason that face-down scanning system are typically 1/3 the speed of face-up systems. The book flipping necessary to scan a book on a face-down scanner like the KIC BookEdge is shown in the photo sequence below. It's a workout both for the book and the patron.
The ergonomic design of the face-up scanning systems involves only the basic movement required to set a book down and turn a page.
The sequence above shows just how much work is required to use a face-down scanner to scan multiple pages.
In contrast, the sequence on the left shows the relative speed and ease of face-up scanning systems that do not require the user to flip over the book being scanned. Once placing the book, the user simply turns pages and presses the scan button (or foot pedal) to scan two pages at a time.
Control, update and monitor your KIC systems remotely. To better serve your patrons, it is important to know which KIC systems are used the most and at what times during the day and week, and which are used the least. All usage statistics can help you to determine the best KIC configuration for each site. And to make it easier to navigate from KIC to KIC system, KIC Fleet Manager allows you to select a particular KIC system via either of two methods: a map or a list.
With 14 years serving libraries, KIC is the most stable product available today. However, DLSG engineers incessantly work to improve KIC and support the growing changing digital world. DLSG offers improved software regularly, and to make it easier to deploy updates, KIC Fleet Manager lets you update KIC systems remotely. For example, KIC Fleet Manager lets you turn KIC systems on and off on demand or on a schedule set by a central control panel.
To fully earn the 'hybrid library' designation, a library's existing print collections must be available in digital format. KIC systems allow your students and faculty to select material for quick and easy self-serve digitization, providing a valuable conduit between your print collections and patron tablets, PCs, eReaders and smart devices.
KIC's self-serve digitize-on-demand capabilities leverage your library's most valuable assets - its print collections.
Digital images don't have the limitations of physical copies. They can instantly be shared with fellow researchers around the world via email or Cloud, dramatically facilitating collaboration.
Higher education libraries across America hold $100 Billion in scholarly knowledge, the majority of which can't be found on the internet. This knowledge has been amassed through careful selection over many years and is augmented at substantial expense every year. And, thanks to U.S. copyright law, this knowledge is free to scan an unlimited number of times, or until the books disintegrate.
Because of this, 70% of students at US universities, over 800 major university campuses across America, have added high-speed self-serve book scanning machines to their library floors; machines that create digital content at rates of 5 to 20 pages per minute. These self-serve Knowledge Imaging Centers are much gentler on books and produce higher-quality digital content than the paper reprints produced by paper copiers. The images can cost as little as 1¢ per page and are readable on tablets & smart phones as well as notebooks and regular PCs. The images can be printed at any time for those who still prefer hard copy.
Paper copiers are as necessary as ever in administrative areas across campus, but copier companies don't want to give up that one place they no longer belong, the library floor.
Meanwhile, book spines are being damaged, paper is being wasted, and students are not seeing their libraries as the vast free sources for scholarly knowledge that they are.
Fortunately, academic libraries exist to serve students. The first step is for students to inform the libraries as to just how important it is to switch from paper copiers to digital book scanners that can print if desired. The next step depends on circumstances at your particular institution. Every year, libraries spend many times more money on printed books and journals than the cost of an entire fleet of new high-speed scanners. But some libraries have no control ever any of that budget money. At these institutions, faculty specifies what is purchased. So, the library must use other funds to purchase these units. If yours is such an institution, it is especially important to convey just how much students value getting unlimited, free digital content from their libraries, and that it's worth the effort to source together the necessary funds from various other budgets.
Another means of acquiring KIC systems is to use student-administered funds (i.e. student technology funds). These non-library funds can be used to purchase a pilot set of one small KIC, one medium KIC and one large KIC. Once they're in the library, their popularity with students will make it much easier to justify all the efforts necessary to piece together the funds and to tell the entrenched copier companies that the library floor is no longer their domain.
Alternately a relatively small portion of these funds can be used to upgrade from basic Knowledge Imaging Centers (copier replacement kiosks) that scan 5 pages per minute to bigger, faster KIC systems that scan up to 20 pages per minute.
We know the importance of resource sharing. To help squeeze more value out of your investment, KIC can be configured to support the BSCAN Interlibrary Loan system, the Opus Digitization Workflow system, and general ad hoc scanning.
Use a USB flash drive to enable other types of scanning at a KIC station and temporarily access shared folders on a network. When you unplug the USB, the KIC station automatically returns to its regular self-serve scanning station functionality.
For general purpose scanning by administrators and faculty, simply write a department password file to a flash drive. When a user inserts the USB 'key', KIC recognizes the password and allows the user to save scanned images to shared folders.
Image Access has an unmatched service and support record. It is impossible to affordably provide service personnel living in every city and town across America that are highly trained on the very special technologies needed by libraries. Instead, DLSG designs remote serviceability into its products and has perfected remote diagnosis and when possible, repair.
The resulting savings allows DLSG to frequently and promptly provide loaner/swap-out equipment and to go
on site whenever necessary to
maintain and repair equipment, minimizing interruptions in service.
Max Capture Area | 24.4 x 18 inches | 18.9 x 15.3 inches |
Resolutions | 150, 200, 300, 400, 600 dots per inch | 150, 200, 300, 400 dots per inch |
Maximum Speed |
0.7* sec / 1 page of 8.5 x 11" book 1.1* sec / left & right pages of 8.5 x 11" book 1.8* sec / full bed scan |
0.7* sec / 1 page of 8.5 x 11" book 1.1* sec / left & right pages of 8.5 x 11" book 1.4* sec / full bed scan |
Dimensions (HxWxD) |
Tabletop Model: 31 x 46 x 26 inches K-stand Model: 63 x 45 x 28 inches | Tabletop Model: 31 x 43 x 24 inches K-stand Model: 62 x 48 x 26 inches |
Weight |
Tabletop Model: 120 lbs (Includes PC) K-stand Model: 310 lbs (Includes PC) |
Tabletop Model: 107 lbs (Includes PC) K-stand Model: 220 lbs (Includes PC) |
Power Consumption | Approx 230W (Scanning) | Approx 230W (Scanning) |
(Common to All KIC Models)
Output Color Depth | 24 bit color, 8 bit grayscale & 1 bit B&W |
Digital File Interfaces | USB 2.0, email, FTP, Web/Cloud storage (e.g. Google Docs), file folder (for staff & faculty only) |
Image Output Formats | PDF, JPEG, PNG and TIFF, rich text and searchable PDF (optional) |
Audio Output Formats | MP3 audio text-to-audio (optional) |
Printer Interface | 10/100/1000 megabit Ethernet or USB 2.0 |
Printed Output Formats | 8.5 x 11", 11 x 17", simplex, duplex, color & 13 x 19" monochrome (printer not included) |
Image Treatment Functions | Split pages (left & right), clip, crop, change brightness/contrast, change resolutions (dpi), select color, grayscale, or B&W |
Lamps | White LED's, no IR/UV emission |
KIC Bookeye V2
Tabletop Models
Floorstand Model
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KIC Bookeye V3
Tabletop Models
Floorstand Model
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KIC Click Mini
Tabletop Models
Floorstand Model
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KIC for Sprout Pro by HP
Tabletop Models
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KIC BookEdge
Tabletop Models
Floorstand Model
![]() |
Max Scan Area |
24.4 x 18"
![]() |
18.9 x 15.3"
![]() |
19.2 x 12.3"
![]() |
15.75 x 11.75"
![]() |
17 x 11.8"
![]() |
Bound Volume Scanning Speed in Pages Per Minute |
24 PPM
![]() |
30 PPM
![]() |
40 PPM
![]() |
22 PPM
![]() |
![]() |
- | - | ||||
Project & Course Material Creation |
Price |
Scalable | |||||
Oversize Flat & Large Books | |||||
Face-up Scanning | |||||
Flatbed with Book Edge | |||||
120° Book Cradle | |||||
Scan Follows Book Contours | |||||
Face-up: Flat and V-Cradle |
Output Formats: | Basic PDF, JPEG, PNG, MP3 Audio(TTS), Google Docs, Cloud, Dropbox... USB, Email, FTP, Admin Folder, Smart Dock™, Tablets, eReaders and Smart Phones. |
Copier Replacement Capabilities: | Collate, Black&White Color, Automatic Document Feeder Option, Multiple Shared Printers, Charge for Prints via Blackboard, ITC Sys, CBord, Diebold, Copicard, Danyl Sys, Debitek, Gen Meters, Jamex, Pharos, Vendapin, Virtual Cash, etc. |
User Interface Features: | True 2 Touch™, Separate Preview Screen, Full-Size Preview, Large Touch Screen (24 inches), ADA Support. |
Image Editing Features: | KIC Composer, KIC AutoNote, Collate, Clip, Rotate, Crop, Split Left & Right Pages, Deskew, Correct Book Curve. |
Optics: | 24 Bit Color, 260-300 dpi Output. |
The flagship in the Bookeye® 4 family of book scanners is the Bookeye® 4 V1A book scanner. Scanning A1+ formats at 400 optical dpi, the Bookeye® 4 V1A features an automatic book cradle with up to 10 cm height adjustment, a glass plate that opens automatically and of course the 140 degree V-book cradle. Bookeye® 4 V1A is the world's only working A1+ overhead book scanner that accommodates both flat documents - with or without the glass plate; as well as large, fragile bound documents, using the protective V cradle.
Bookeye® 4 V1A is suitable for digitization projects that require high quality and maximum productivity even in 24/7 operation.
Originals up to A1+, such as books, magazines, posters, folders or bound documents of all kinds can be digitized by the Bookeye® 4 V1A at high speed and an optical resolution of up to 400 dpi.
A high-performance production scanner is dependent on a strong capturing software. Opus® FreeFlow provides optimal capture workflow for large projects. Opus® FreeFlow is designed to complement the Bookeye® 4 V1A and can meet any requirement within even the most sophisticated digitization projects.
High Speed Scanning: Image Access scanners always run at rated speeds regardless of how powerful your computer is. We do a full scan into the scanner memory at full speed, without any stops. We're the only scanner company that does that. Only the time between scanning and output are dependent upon the transfer speed of the network and the computer, and even our transfer rate is twice as fast as competing products because data is transferred to your workstation at 1 Gigabit speeds, while other scanners use significantly slower transfer rates (1/2 Gigabit or less). Learn more
Works Well With Others: Create JPEG, PDF (both searchable and image-only), or TIFF file formats and save to network (PC, server, FTP).
Easy to Use: Single button scanning, optional foot pedal, built-in display, automatic laser-assisted profile detection and automatic format recognition ensure uncompromised scan results.
High Duty Cycle: High Duty Cycle: Bookeye scanners are designed for high-volume, professional use. Their duty cycles far exceed that of desktop scanners.
Clear, Crisp, Colorful Scans: Fast scanning in B&W, grayscale and color, high-quality resolution of up to 400 dpi. We've made it our business for over 15 years now to be experts in image resolution, and since there is some confusion among users regarding this matter, we've provided a white paper that debunks some longstanding myths. Learn more
State of the Art Illumination: Bookeye's bright white LED illumination lasts significantly longer than other lighting systems. LED lights also consume less power and produce far less heat.
Easy Setup: Bookeye scanners connect over your network using standard IP (Internet Protocol) addresses and can be operated by a standard browser without drivers or add-on cards.
No Warm Up Time: Bookeye scanners are ready to scan anytime you are. Other scanners can require several minutes to warm up before use.
Room to Grow: Firmware upgrades are available online and are directly downloadable to the Bookeye using a standard browser.
Environmentally Responsible: We all know that scanning and saving images to email, USB, etc., rather than photocopying or printing saves paper and toner, but it's hard to get a feel for just how much savings are likely.
Remote Scanner Management: You're in full control from any browser. Change any and all scanner settings remotely or using Bookeye's built-in touch screen.
User Statistics Monitoring: Bookeye lets you manage and monitor the usage, statistics and settings of each scanner you own. The reports are automatically uploaded and available online from your web browser.
Document Formats | |
Autoformat Size Recognition | 33.5 x 25 inches (851 x 635 mm) |
DIN Formats | DIN A5 to DIN A1 |
US ANSI Formats | Legal, Letter |
User defined Formats | |
Document Specification | |
Optical Resolution | 600 x 400 dpi |
Performance Specification | |
Scan Speed (24 bit) |
1.8 seconds for full bed at 150 dpi 2.3 seconds for full bed at 200 dpi 5.3 seconds for full bed at 300 dpi 7.0 seconds for full bed at 400 dpi |
Technical Specifications | |
Color Depth | 36 bit color, 12 Bit gray scale |
Scan Output | 24 bit color, 8 bit gray scale, bitonal, enhanced halftone |
File Formats | JPEG, PNM, TIFF, TIFF G4 (CCITT), PDF (optional) |
Interface | 1 GBit Fast Ethernet with TCP/IP |
Camera | CCD camera, 22,500 pixels |
Light Source | White LEDs, classificated to IEC 60825-1: class 1, no IR/UV emission |
Dimensions and Weight | |
Dimensions of Scanner (H x W x D) With Lamps attached |
43.3 x 34.6 x 33.7 inches (1.100 x 880 x 855 mm) |
Weight of Scanner | Approx. 170 lbs (77 kg) |
Electrical Specifications | |
Electrical Connection | 100 - 240V AC, 50/60 Hz |
Power Consumption |
0.5 W (Sleep) / 2.5 W (Stand-by) 75 W (Ready to scan) / 130 W (Scanning) |
Ambient Conditions | |
Operating Temperature | 40 to 105° F |
Relative Humidity | 20 to 80 % (non-condensed) |
Noise Level | 42 dbA (Scanning) 33 dbA (Stand-by) |
Accessories | |
Accessories | Foot Pedal |
Options and Functions | |
Software Options |
Upgrade to color TWAIN interface |
Functions |
Book Fold Correction Digital color balance Automatic white balance Web-based firmware updates |
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ENERGY STAR qualified products and practices help you save money and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by meeting strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy.
The cETLus Listing Mark is used for products going into the Canadian and US markets. Products with the cETLus mark have been examined and have passed tests determining compliance with device safety requirements. The standards for IT-equipment are ul 60950 for the US market and CSA.C22.2 No 60950 for the Canadian market.
The ETL-EU Listing Mark is used for products going into the European market (shown by the "EU" in the mark). Products with the ETL-EU mark have been examined and successfully passed tests according the requirements for device safety. The standards for IT equipment are IEC 60950-1 and EN 60950-1, or the new standards (from 2014) IEC 62368-1 and EN 62368.
The China Compulsory Certificate (CCC mark) is a compulsory safety mark for a wide range of products imported and sold in the Chinese market. It became effective on August 1, 2003, when China became a member of the WTO (World Trade Organisation). The CCC mark is required for both Chinese manufactured and foreign imported merchandise. The CCC certificate must be renewed annually as part of a follow-up certification which includes a factory audit.
BIS is the acronym for Bureau of Indian Standards.
Relevant safety standards for India are:
The BIS mark is a requirement for manufacturer who intend to export their products to the Indian market. Tests executed by accredited laboratories ensure that the tested device fulfils all safety relevant requirements of the above named standards.
2004/108/EG (Electromagnetic compatibility):
2006/95/EG (Low voltage guideline):
Tested according to the following standards
DE 15679937
WEEE is the European Community directive 2002/96/EC on waste for
electrical and electronic equipment which, together with the RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC,
became European Law in February 2003, setting collection, recycling and recovery targets
for all types of electrical goods.
This device is in compliance with the requirements of RoHS-guidelines (Restriction of use of certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment.)